Worship Ministries

  • Any young person in grades 6-12 may take an active role in worship by serving as an acolyte. Acolytes are trained and then assigned to serve periodically at the 10:30 service, as well as at special services.

  • The Altar Guild is responsible for cleaning the silver and brass, preparing for all services, and changing the colors of the hangings in the church to conform to the seasons and sacraments.

  • In addition to flowers for weddings and the Sunday altars, the Flower Guild provides festal floral decorations for Christmas Eve, Easter, and All Saints’ Sunday.

  • Parishioners are trained and licensed to serve at Eucharists.

  • Parishioners are recruited and trained to serve as Sunday lectors and intercessors. They may be asked to read at 8 or 10:30 on Sunday or on special occasions.

  • Our ushers extend a friendly welcome to parishioners and visitors at each service. They help seat people, distribute bulletins, pass the alms basins, and assist newcomers in finding their way around. Any confirmed parishioner may train for this work.

  • After training sponsored by the Verger’s Guild of the Episcopal Church, our vergers direct and coordinate those involved in our worship services.

  • Members of this parish ministry assist clergy and couples with the choreography of wedding rehearsals and the liturgy of the marriage service.