Wednesdays | 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Grades 3-12. Choristers enjoy the challenging and rewarding experience of preparing music for worship from the Anglican choral repertoire. They receive specialized training in vocal technique, music literacy, and the Church’s worship through the Royal School of Church Music’s training plan. Members have the opportunity to participate in local and regional chorister festivals as well as summer RSCM courses. Scholarships and small stipends are offered, based on steadfast attendance and advancement through the RSCM Voice for Life levels. We sing in church approximately once a month. Directed by Christian Crocker.
St. Paul’s Senior Choir is a multigenerational ensemble of volunteers supported by staff singers. Our repertoire spans from early plainsong through the twenty-first century, with a special emphasis on the Anglican/Episcopal choral tradition and a commitment to include historically underrepresented composers. We rehearse on Wednesday evenings during the academic year, and sing year-round on Sunday mornings and at special services such as Choral Evensong and Lessons and Carols. Contact Christian Crocker for more information or to schedule an audition.
The Adult Handbell Choir rehearses on Monday evenings during the academic year, and rings in church on a regular basis. Contact Janet Hale for more information.
Tower Bell Ringers are adult musicians who play the tower bells before worship services and special events throughout the year. Contact Cristian Crocker for more information.