Pastoral Care Ministries

At St. Paul’s, pastoral care is a team ministry, carried out by both clergy and laity. Our life as a faith community is grounded in our responsibility and commitment to support, encourage, and care for one another in times of both joy and hardship. Working together with the clergy, more than fifty trained and dedicated parishioners serve in the various ministries that make up St. Paul’s Cares.

For more information on St. Paul’s Cares, please contact our Lay Pastoral Minister, Janet Hale.

  • Shepherds are lay ministers who keep in touch with a particular segment of the congregation. They function much like a neighborhood watch. When they become aware of a pastoral need, they help to coordinate the services of St. Paul’s various pastoral support ministries.

    For Parishioners with Last Names from A-F

    Joyce Miller:

    For Parishioners with Last Names from G-O

    Janet Hale:

    For Parishioners with Last Names from P-Z

    Merry Lee Wilson:

  • Trained and licensed to take communion to those who are homebound, hospitalized, or for other reasons unable to attend worship at the church.

  • Writes and sends cards to people on the parish prayer list and in care facilities.

  • Divides the weekly altar flowers into smaller bouquets and delivers them to hospitals, care facilities, or private homes.

  • Bakes and delivers bread to parishioners who are homebound or in care facilities at Easter and Christmas.

  • Visits parishioners who are homebound or in care facilities.

  • Knits prayer afghans for parishioners who are grieving, facing illness, or who would otherwise benefit from an expression of our love and prayers.

  • Helps coordinate simple receptions for funerals, visitations, and other pastoral occasions.