
  • During the church school year, breakfast is served Sunday mornings following the 8:00 a.m. service and before Christian Education classes. Volunteers prepare plentiful breakfasts that ensure no one leaves hungry.

  • After the 10:30 service in either Key Andrews Hall or the Memorial Garden (weather permitting), parishioners gather for coffee and snacks. Trays of crackers, cookies, veggies, and other goodies quickly disappear as parishioners catch up with each other and greet newcomers.

  • A senior adult ministry for those 55+ who are interested in developing their faith together and enjoy good fellowship, growing friendships, and a variety of activities and programs. Great Expectations meets on the first Wednesday of every month.

  • The quilters meet each week and work together on a quilt. Various quilters find a project needing completion, and they put their needles to work to finish beautiful pieces while chatting about the latest goings-on.

  • This group of young people ranging from recent college graduates to early 30s typically gather once a month for liturgically oriented Bible studies, brunches, or church “Open Houses” held in various parts of the church.

  • Parishioners work on needlepoint projects for the church, including making new kneelers for the high altar and maintaining existing kneelers.

  • Once a month, all the women from the parish are invited to an evening out for fellowship and food. The venue changes from month to month, but there are always reports of a good time.

  • Three times a year, groups of 10-14 people are formed so parishioners can get to know each other in a small group format. The groups meet several times, usually after church for brunch. This provides a fun way to meet new people or deepenexisting friendships.

  • Every fall, we gather at Grace Point Camp and Retreat Center for a weekend of fun, fellowship, and formation for all generations.